Xàbia’s new Sports Council is up and running after inaugural meeting

The advisory body will serve to support the sports policy of the municipality


Wednesday 9th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: XAD Carlos López

Xàbia’s new Sports Council [Consell de l’Esport] is up and running after it was formally constituted on Tuesday evening in the presence of its members, athletes, representatives form municipal clubs as well as the Schools Council [Consell Escolar] and representatives from all the political parties on the local council.

The advisory body will serve to support the sports policy of the municipality, providing a vision of the proposed projects as well as the lines of work that the different political leaders will set in motion.

It has a permanent commission that will assume the day-to-day responsibilities of the consultative body as well as assess the proposals that are to be submitted to the plenary session. It is made up of two representatives of the sports clubs, two relevant athletes, a representative from the School Council as well as those from sports businesses in the municipality.

During the inauguration, the councillor responsible for Sports, Alberto Tur, explained that the Permanent Commission may also proposed the creation of working groups to deal wih the different issues addressed by the Sports Council.

Mayor José Chulvi thanked everyone for their participation and said that they knew better than anyone else about how sport works in Xàbia, whilst also stressing that everyone has the same goal of ensuring the Xàbia has the best grassroots sports possible.

Sports Council Permanent Commission

President: Alberto Tur [Sports Councillor]
Sports Coordinator: Paco Castaño
Secretary: Juan Ramón Sapena

Athletes: Julia Miñana, Rafa Andarias, David Ferrer, Irene Bolufer and María Cardona.

Sports Clubs Representatives: Raúl Bover (Club Atletismo Llebeig), Rafa Serra (Centre Excursionista Xàbia), Pep Hierro (Club de Handbol Xàbia), Amparo Marí (Club de Tenis Xàbia), Óscar Mayordomo (Club Basket Joventut Xàbia).

Schools Council Representative: María Eugenia Soler.

Sports Company Representative: Empresa Tiempo.

Political Party Representatives: Rafa Bisquert (PSPV), Juanlu Cardona (PP), Olimpia Bas (Compromís), César Rodríguez (CpJ), Enrique Escrivá (Ciudadanos).

Original Article: El Consell de l’Esport de Xàbia echa a correr

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