Xàbia will issue more than 40,000 IBI receipts in 2021
Municipal coffers will be boosted by 17.57 million euros in 2021, an increase of more than a million euros on 2020.

Saturday 31st July 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith
The Treasury Department of the Xàbia Council has launched the mechanism for the collection of the IBI (Property Tax) corresponding to the year 2021. The period to start paying will begin on August 6th and will end on November 19th. ·
In total, 40,016 receipts will be issued this year corresponding to the urban IBI and another 4,010 for the land located in a rural area. In amounts, the urban receipts will represent an income of 17.57 million euros and in the case of the rural properties, the amount that taxpayers must pay amounts to 43,768 euros.
These receipts are paid with the letter that arrives in post boxes, or if direct payment is organized, the charge will be made on September 20th.
Those taxpayers who do not receive the tax form at their home, or have lost it, may obtain a duplicate from the OAC in Portal del Clot or the Collection Service from August 12th.
The collection for this tax increases compared to 2020
With respect to 2020, the forecasts for IBI collection increases. In fact, last year, revenues from this tax amounted to 16.45 million, although finally at the end of the year, 10% of the total had still to be collected.