Xàbia to host sailing for VII CV Olympic Week
The 2.4mR and Hansa 303 classes will fight for the Spanish Championship.

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Monday 11th January 2021 | MIKE SMITH
The Club Náutico de Jávea will host the 2.4mR, Hansa 303 and 420 races in the VII edition of CV Olympic Week that will be held from February 11th-21st. These heats will be held jointly with three other different venues simultaneously: Real Club Náutico de Valencia, Real Club Náutico de Regatas de Alicante and Real Club Náutico de Torrevieja.
This edition maintains the format of four venues distributed throughout the Comunidad Valenciana, something that allows a large number of registered sailors to be covered and thus, attendees from all points can enjoy this nautical meeting. In addition, the week has been extended to 10 days with the aim of avoiding crowds and complying with all the safety measures necessary can be guaranteed so that the event can take place.
In Jávea, the tests will be held from February 11th to 14th, consisting of racing for the 2.4mR and Hansa 303 classes, and the 420 class is also incorporated this year.
The sports director of the Club Náutico de Jávea, Javier Momparler has explained that the Club is very grateful for the organization of these classes since “one more year the tests of the 2.4mR and Hansa 303 classes will mean appointing the champion of Spain”. A sample of the support of the Club to the sailors of these two classes.
Momparler has referred to the new class that joins the Club Náutico de Jávea in this VII Olympic Week and has already commented that “one of the reasons is that this season we have again a couple in 420, formed by Arantza Reig and Ángel Poveda, who will be able to compete at home and feel the heat for a season in which everything is new for them ”. The first forecasts indicate that most of the fleet of 420 will attend the call in Xàbia.
He also pointed out that “we are sure that we can carry out the planned programme and that both the sailors and their companions will be able to enjoy the eventon land and in the water, because we have the best regatta course which is the bay of Xàbia”.
Momparler has highlighted that the coronavirus pandemic “is marking the previous works” of assembly of the entire operation in the Club and has recognized that the mobility restrictions that exist both in some countries of Europe and other autonomous communities “can mean that the number of the participants will be less than last year ” when only 30 sailors participated in the Hansa class.
Despite this, he stressed that the entire team in the Sports area, in coordination with the Federation and the rest of the Club staff, is working to “try to make everyone who comes feel at home and that they can enjoy the tests. ”. One of the big changes with respect to other editions was the village that the Club organized in collaboration with several local companies to serve the sailors and companions at the end of the daily tests. Something that cannot be done due to “the restrictions imposed by the health crisis”.