Xàbia takes first steps to construct new bridge over the Gorgos

The new bridge will provide a re-organization of traffic flow between the port zone and the Arenal beach zone.


Thursday 12th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Carlos López (Xàbia Al DÍA)

Next Monday’s plenary session of Xàbia Council will be seeking to reach an approval for the conditions imposed by the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar (CHJ) and the Secretary of State for the Environment to obtain the necessary permission to build a new bridge over the river Gorgos to extend Calle Génoa to provide a direct link to the port zone, an infrastructure that has been on the drawing board for some years.

In a press release, the local government explained that the new bridge would extend Calle Genoa to connect it to Calle Manuel Bordes Valles and would allow the re-organization of traffic flow between the port zone and the Arenal, reducing traffic along the coastline (Avenida Mediterráneo).

However, because the channel of the river Gorgos falls under the jurisdiction of the Public Maritime Land Domain, the local council has to apply for a concession to occupy some 315 square metres in order to be able to build the bridge. After submitting a formal request to do so, the two administrations responsible for the CHJ and the General Directorate of Coasts and the Sea will make a determination, which the local council will have to accept before starting work on this new infrastructure, the first primary step of which will be to contract an architect to draft the project.

This project doesn’t affect the other end of Calle Génoa where a 50m stretch of undeveloped land prevents a direct link with the Arenal (the entrance of Hotel Villanaranjos), the compulsory purchase of which is still pending.

Click on the logo above to read the original article on Xàbia AL DÍA.

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