Xàbia Social Services benefits from more than 240,000 euros of funding from Alicante

The aid will be used to strengthen home help expenses caused by the pandemic as well as cover the costs of supporting refugee families fleeing the war in Ukraine.


Tuesday 6th September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: XAD

The Alicante Provincial Council has granted two subsidies worth 241,642 euros to the Department of Social Services in Xàbia, the first intended to cover expenses caused by the COVID-19 health crisis, whilst the second to help cover the costs of assisting refugee families fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

An amount of 142,142 euros will be allocated to cover the expenses of social benefits caused by the extraordinary situation generated by the COVID-19 health crisis, strengthening local home help services to guarantee care, support and connection to the environment, safety and food, especially for the elderly, disabled and those in a situation of dependency, considering the greater risk of infection. These services include home help in all its forms and any other of a similar nature that is provided in the home of the user.

An amount of 99,500 euros is intended to help the local council cover the expenses related to aid to refugee families fleeing the war in Ukraine. There are 110 such families which have been welcomed in the municipality of Xàbia and all of them have been granted the corresponding social emergency aid.