Xàbia school receives air purifiers for classrooms

The devices will help filter the air and improve its quality during the winter months.

School 01

Friday 15th January 2021 | MIKE SMITH

The parent’s association (AMPA) at CEIP Mediterrània de Xàbia have provided each classroom at the school with an air purifier to complement the five devices that will be delivered by the Ministry of Education.

These machines will help improve filter the air in the interior spaces to remove pollution, improve air quality and purify the air, particularly useful as the winter brings its lower temperatures and the practice of leaving windows open to promote the flow of air during the health crisis becomes increasingly uncomfortable for the students.

In the meantime, the school continues to follow the recommendations of the health authorities regarding health and hygiene measures, including limiting the number of people allowed in meetings and respecting the need for social distancing as well as the recommendations on ventilation in schools in the Comunidad Valenciana, so that school activities can continue as normally as possible.