Xàbia sailor Elena Pérez claims bronze medal in European Team Racing in Italy

The youth sailing event was held in Italy with the Valencian team made up of Pedro Adán, Elena Pérez, Marta Ferrando and Eduardo Reyes

© Associazione Vela Lago di Ledro

Monday 29th August 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: AECIO Comunitat Valenciana

The Optimist Team of the Comunidad Valenciana, representing Spain, claimed the bronze medal in the Optimist European Team Racing Championship (OETRC) that was held in Lago di Ledro in Trento region of Italy between August 23rd to 27th.

The Valencian team, which won the right to represent the country after winning the National Team event at the beginning of July in El Puerto de Santa Maria, was formed by Pedro Adán (CN Santa Pola), Elena Pérez (CN Jávea), Marta Ferrando and Eduardo Reyes, both from the RCN of Valencia, under the orders of coach Fernando Puig.

The wind conditions in Ledro were not the best, not only for Spain but for all the teams. The Spanish team managed to pass through first Round Robin (a series of group matches, all against all) with good results and feelings of going further.

In the second Round Robin, in which the 8 best teams were already classified of the 16 that started the competition, the wind began to show its worst side, leaving the fleet unable to compete in groups C and D, so that the committee chose to consider those results gained in the first Round Robin as valid results as it was not possible to complete and close the series of matches.

This weather situation left them unable to make way for the semifinals, petit final and the grand final. With the results obtained in the first series of matches Italy took the gold, while Poland claimed the silver and Spain the bronze.

Spain, represented by the team of the Federación de Vela de la Comunitat Valenciana, achieved 11 wins in that first round in Ledro, losing only 4 matches, against Italy, Poland, Great Britain and Finland. In their triumphs, those achieved against some powerful rivals stand out, such as Germany, Switzerland, Greece and those which are always complicated and very prepared for the Italian event such as Turkey, which finished fourth on the podium.

Final Results – Ledro 2022

  1. Italy
  2. Poland
  3. Spain
  4. Turkey
  5. Germany
  6. Greece
  7. Croatia
  8. France
  9. Netherlands
  10. Denmark
  11. Switzerland
  12. Israel
  13. Sweden
  14. Finland
  15. Great Britain
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