Xàbia reveals packed festive programme for all the family
The trade associations reinforce the Christmas program with workshops, a playroom, New Year’s Eve at noon or visits from Santa Claus

Friday 16th December 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
Christmas returns to Xàbia accompanied by an intense program for the whole family, especially designed for the smallest of the houses and in which several council department and the trade associations Xàbia Histórica, Xàbia Port and Xàbia Arenal have come together to develop.
From today Friday 16th December until January 6 you can enjoy concerts, visits from Papa Noel or the Reyes Magos, an alternative New Year’s Eve, playroom, afternoon sessions, cinema, workshops and sports.
One of the highlights for these festive holidays will be the new edition of Nadal Jove-Esportiu, which from December 26 to 28 will bring together workshops and exhibitions from clubs and sports groups in the municipality together with other attractions such as inflatables, trampolines, simulators, storytellers and shows.
Councilor Alberto Tur presented this Christmas classic in Xàbia that will also have two appointments in natural spaces. The first, an excursion through the Cap de San Antoni and La Plana organized by the Centro Excursionista de Xàbia (CEX) on Sunday 18th December with departure at 9.00 am from the Plaza de la Constitución and another on Wednesday 28th December promoted by the Club Nautico de Jávea for those who want to try out a rowing boat.
Tur thanked all the clubs and entities for their involvement in this Nadal Esportiu, which will also give space to traditional games, wooden games and children with a psychomotor area.
In addition, a musical show “YA ES NAVIDAD”, a collective Zumba class and a storyteller with Christmas stories have been programmed on the central stage of the space.
Regarding the activities organized by the trade associations, Papa Noel’s visit to the three Christmas trees stands out (Friday 16th December to the Historic Center, Saturday 17th December to the Arenal and Friday 23rd December to the port) and the party on December 31st at noon in which the turn of the year will be celebrated by all the family with some chimes in the Plaza de La Iglesia.
The agenda will close with the acts for the visit of the Reyes Magos with the collection of letters in the parish of the port, the Royal Camp that will be installed in the Riurau d’Arnauda and the magical parade on the evening of Thursday 5th January.
Friday 16th December
- 17:30-20:00 · Papa Noel will visit the historic centre of Xàbia to greet the children and collection their letters next to the Christmas tree in the Plaza de la Iglesia.
- 18:30-20:30 · VAN A CANTAR – Christmas carols with the school children from CEIP Graüll, CEIP Mediterranea, CEIP L’Arenal and Colegio Maria Inmaculada in the Plaza de la Marina Alta (Correos). There will be mulled wine, hot chocolate and cakes with all money collected benefitting the work of Todos Juntos Jávea.
- 19:30 · Christmas carols accompanied by the dulzaina and drums of Colla Xirimitab’s through the streets of the historic centre of Xàbia.
Saturday 17th December
- 11:00 · Theatrical Christmas storytelling “Les Llums” next to the Christmas tree in Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer in the Arenal.
- 11:45-13:45 · Papa Noel will visit the Arenal to greet the children and collection their letters next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 11:30 · Christmas Concert by CAM Xàbia. Sports playground CEIP Port de Xàbia.
- 12:30 · Christmas Concert by Colla Xirimitab’s on the Paseo Marítimo in the port.
- 18:30 · Prizegiving for the XVI Nativity Scene Competition and the IX Children’s Storytelling “Històries de Nadal” Competition in the multipurpose room of the Portal del Clot complex, organised by the Betlemistes de Xàbia.
Sunday 18th December
- 09:00 · Christmas Excursion organised by CEX. (Registrations: cexxabia@gmail.com or 699 35 53 70).
- 11:00-14:00 · Craft Market, Paseo Marítimo in the port.
- 17:00 · Concert by ARS Nova with Petit ARS at the San Bartolomé church.
- 17:00 · Christmas Festival at the Loreto church in the port with Christmas carols, Christmas theatre, raffle in aid of Cáritas and much more for all the family.
Wednesday 21st December
- 18:00 · Cinema and Popcorn at PlayJOVE in Plaza de la Constitución.
Thursday 22nd December
- 16:00-17:30 · DISCOPLAY with music, entertainment, surprises and much more at PlayJOVE in Plaza de la Constitución.
Friday 23rd December
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Papa Noel will visit the port to greet the children and collection their letters next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
Saturday 24th December
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
Sunday 25th December – Christmas Day
- 18:00 · An early evening of festive music with TAFOL on the Plaza Comare Maruja Varó in the port.
Monday 26th December
- 10:00-13:00 · NADAL JOVE i ESPORTIU. Space for children with inflatable areas, simulators, trampolines, storytellers, wooden games, musical shows, in the Plaza de la Constitución.
Tuesday 27th December
Placement of the royal mailboxes in Xàbia Histórica, Xàbia Port and Xàbia Arenal, so that the little ones can deposit their letters to SS.MM. Los Reyes Magos de Oriente.
- 10:00-13:00 · NADAL JOVE i ESPORTIU. Space for children with inflatable areas, simulators, trampolines, storytellers, wooden games, musical shows, in the Plaza de la Constitución.
Wednesday 28th December
- 10:00-13:00 · NADAL JOVE i ESPORTIU. Space for children with inflatable areas, simulators, trampolines, storytellers, wooden games, musical shows, in the Plaza de la Constitución.
- 18:00 · Cinema and Popcorn at PlayJOVE in Plaza de la Constitución.
Thursday 29th December
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
Friday 30th December
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 20:00 · Live music to start the welcome of the new year with EcLekTics in Calle Andrés Lambert in the port.
Saturday 31st December
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 12:00 · NEW YEAR’S BELLS – The chimes are brought forward so that all the family can enjoy the new year twice. Come and enjoy the festive atmosphere with music in the Plaza de La Iglesia.
Monday 2nd January 2023
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 17:00 · The Royal Emissaries return to Port! They will go through the streets of the neighborhood announcing their arrival and they will go to the church of Nuestra Señora de Loreto to collect the letters full of wishes from young and old. The Comissió de Festes Mare de Déu de Loreto will offer a chocolate to sweeten the afternoon.
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 16:00-21:00 · Royal Camp and collection of letters for the Reyes Magos in the Ruirau d’Arnauda in the Parque Montaner.
- 16:00 · The Royal Emissaries will collect the letters full of wishes from young and old. There will be a bar service so that families can have a snack.
Wednesday 4th January 2023
Removal of the royal mailboxes in Xàbia Histórica, Xàbia Port and Xàbia Arenal.
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 11:00-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Port, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo Joaquín Sorolla.
- 11:30-13:30 · Children Workshops in the play area of Xàbia Arenal, located in a marquee next to the Christmas tree in the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer.
- 16:00-21:00 · Royal Camp and collection of letters for the Reyes Magos in the Ruirau d’Arnauda in the Parque Montaner.
Thursday 5th January 2023
- 10:30-13:30 · In Xabia Port, the smallest of the house will be able to wait for the Three Kings with children’s activities and children’s storytelling, which will encourage the long-awaited wait, in the space of the tent on the Xàbia Port promenade. And the draw for the €1,500.00 prizes in purchases from Xàbia Port will be held.
- 10:30-13:00 · Creative Children’s Workshops in the play space in Calle San Buenaventura, 12 in the historic centre of Xàbia.
- 17:00 · THE ARRIVAL OF THE KINGS. Their Majesties of the East will disembark in the Port of Xàbia. Accompanied by their entourage, they will leave from the Fishermen’s Market, passing through Plaza Adolfo Suárez, to Avenida Jaime I where they will receive all the boys and girls. The magic of the the Three Kings will not stop and the procession will continue towards the historic centre along Avenida del Puerto, Juan Carlos I, Avenida de Alicante, Ronda Norte and Príncipe de Asturias to the Placeta del Convent where they will receive the little ones again.
Original Article: Xàbia propone ocio saludable con el Nadal Jove Esportiu que será del 26 al 28 de diciembre en la plaza de la Constitución