Xàbia restricts activities that generate noise and vibration during summer months
Activities are worked are restricted to 9.00am to 3.00pm and then 5.00pm to 8.00pm.

Friday 1st July 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
From today Friday 1st July until Wednesday 31st August, activities that generate noise and vibration will be restricted, including those related to construction which are likely to generate disturbances by noise emissions in public and private places, open or closed, and whatever the source of the noise.
The regulations are as follows:
I. Activities that generate noise and vibration are restricted to 9.00am to 3.00pm and then 5.00pm to 8.00pm, Monday to Saturday. Such activities are prohibited on Sundays and public holidays.
II. Throughout the municipality, all activities that provide levels of noise and vibrations that can disturb the neighbourhood will be prohibited between 3.00pm and 5.00pm and from 8.00pm until 9.00am the following morning.
III. It is prohibited to carry out works on public roads, except in cases of urgency and municipal works.
IV. In the case of activities or works creating an annoyance to residents, the town council will be able to order the immediate suspension of the activity or work creating the disturbance until the deficiencies are corrected.
V. The Policia Local de Xàbia will monitor compliance with these provisions and record any infractions that will be sanctioned in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
VI. Compliance with these provisions is recommended, which will benefit the Community.