The plan forecasts the implementation of almost 50 actions over the next three years.

Xàbia Council aims to promote the municipality as a tourist destination that is committed to continuous economic growth and the improvement of the quality of life of its residents through the implementation of a new Strategic Plan for the next three years.
The document was unanimously approved by the plenary session in November and has now been presented to the Tourism Advisory Council. It includes 46 short-and medium-term measures with the objective of boosting the resources that the municipality has to work constantly to seek new tourist typologies that will offer the opportunity to visit the town at the different times of the year. This aims to reduce the major negative effects caused by seasonal tourism and improve and protect Xàbia to make it a much more responsible and balanced tourist destination.
The Strategic Tourism Plan has been prepared by Auren Consultores, who were awarded the contract back in October 2022 at a cost of 34,485 euros. The document is structured around five axes – Tourism Governance and Tourism Intelligence; Digital Transition; Strengthening the Tourist Space and Quality in the Destination and Competitiveness – that represent a great challenge and determined commitment to improving the tourist management of the destination, some of which are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the Xàbia 2030 Agenda.
With this starting point, Auren Consultores was charged with developing the Strategic Tourism Plan to carry out this project, taking into account key elements such as collaboration in the stages of analysis, diagnosis and prioritization of action proposals, and counting with the participation and involvement of the residents of Xàbia, the tourism sector, public and private agents who indirectly participate in this activity, thus reflecting the reality of the tourism industry in Xàbia. These phases have always maintained a focus focused on strategic execution and tourism sustainability.
The objective of the plan focuses on promoting the correct use of the tourist, natural and heritage resources of Xàbia, promoting a more complete tourist experience of Xàbia – at both national and international level – in accordance with the new needs of the demand, under criteria of quality, sustainability and innovation.
The councillor responsible for Tourism, José Marcos Pons (VOX), stressed that it is “an open and living document” that will govern the municipality’s tourism policy for the coming years. He added that having this plan approved will allow Xàbia to regain its status as a tourist municipality again, a recognition that could not renewed after changes to the Comunidad Valenciana Tourism Law.
Mayoress Rosa Cardona said that the Strategic Plan is the result of several years of work and stressed that the government team wants to “improve the quality of our tourism and we have approved an important tool for this.” She added that the town hall is now starting to work hand in hand with local business people to implement the different lines of action.