Xàbia participates in forum on the future of tourism

The Councillor for Tourism spoke about the value of heritage to the tourism market.


Thursday 26th November 2020 – MIKE SMITH

Councillor Antonio Miragall (Tourism) has been participating in the online forum ‘Reinventar el turismo; Cooperación para el desarrollo’ (‘Reinventing Tourism; Cooperation for Development’), organised by the Portuguese city of Palmela with which Xàbia is twinned.

The debate space, virtual in nature and in webinar format, has served to learn about management projects based on sustainability of its resources, such as the one that Xàbia has been working on for a few years.

In his presentation, Miragall spoke about the value of heritage to the tourism market and spoke about some of the actions that have been promoted in Xàbia to protect the coves, such as access controls, and the seabed.

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