Xàbia organizes flea market open to all trade in the Marina Alta

The market will take place on Saturday 5th June on the Plaza de la Constitución.

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Friday 21st May 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith

The trade associations of Xàbia, with the collaboration of the Department of Economic Development, have organised the first flea market in the Marina Alta for Saturday 5th June.

The market will be held on the Plaza de la Constitución – the location of the weekly market – and will be open from 10.00am to 8.00pm. It is open to any business in Xàbia and the Marina Alta, regardless of whether they are part of any association.

Councillor Marta Bañuls (Commerce) explained that the market has been developed so that businesses can be outlet products on sale after a difficult season due to restrictions imposed to half the spread of the COVID-19 infection, whilst also allowing businesses from other towns make themselves known to the public of Xàbia.

Those interested in participating should send an email to federacionforxa@gmail.com by Friday 28th June when registrations will close.

The market will have all the required COVID-19 health and safety protocols in place.

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