Xàbia organises Christmas trade and crafts fair for early December long weekend

The event will have a festive tone and is also open to local groups and associations.

Wednesday 3rd November 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith

Christmas is slowly approaching and, with the positive evolution of the pandemic, the Department of Economic Development in Xàbia has determined that it is the time for the popular Christmas fair to return, promoting local purchases from local businesses and providing a boost to public spaces which have been empty for so long.

The festive trade and craft fair will be held on the first weekend of December (4th and 5th), a long “puente” weekend due to the national holiday of Constitution Day falling on a Monday and councillor Marta Bañuls (Economic Development) explained that the intention is to unite commercial and craft stands as well as provide fun and games for the little ones.

The improving health situation means that the fair can recover its traditional festive spirit, releasing a pre-Christmas atmosphere into the streets whilst also promoting local commerce at the beginning of one of the most important commercial campaigns of the year.

In addition, the councillor has announced that her department will be also be testing the enthusiasm of local groups and associations to take part. Those interested in participating can register or request more information via email adl-xabia@creama.org until Tuesday 9th November.