Xàbia opts to restart process for renovation project at CEIP Mediterrània

Two companies have withdrawn from the tender process for the Edificant project.


Thursday 24th March 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Carlos López (Xàbia AL DÍA)

Xàbia Council has decided to re-start the process for finding a contractor to carry out the renovation projects at CEIP Mediterrània, which are covered by the regional Edificant initiative, after two companies pulled out of the tender process, as previously reported by Xàbia AL DÍA.

These withdrawals will mean that the council will have to start the whole procedure again, with councillor Montse Villaverde (Education) explaining to Alicante Plaza that “the report was made two years ago and has become outdated” which could be the reason for the withdrawals. She added that “everything indicates that the 426,000 euro budget did not cover the planned work“.

She said that municipal technicians will have to draft a new report for the work, although they will only have to modify the price table and adapt them to the modules approved by the regional government earlier this year, which will allow the tender process to begin again.

However, it will be necessary to follow an established procedure step by step, the first of which would be to return responsibility to the regional education authority, a procedure that the councillor suggests will be completed by the council’s ordinary plenary session this month.

Click on the logo above to read the original article on Xàbia AL DÍA.

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