Xàbia opens tender process for CEIP Mediterrània project once again, hoping to attract a bidder this time

The original tender process failed to attract a single earlier in the year.

210908-05 CEIP Med-1

Thursday 9th September 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

The local government in Xàbia has approved the new specifications for the reform project at CEIP Mediterrània, a contract that failed to attract a single bid when the original tender process was announced before the summer.

Much to the general dismay of the new management team of the school, no company bid for the contract earlier in the year and consequently, municipal technicians have adjusted the specifications, although the tender budget of 429,000 euros including IVA remains the same. Interested companies will have until the beginning of October to present their bids.

The project, which falls within the regional government’s Plan Edificant initiative, has an execution period of nine months and includes the demolition of the current gymnasium building and fronton court, the building of a new gym, the construction of an emergency staircase, and the comprehensive reform of the toilets in the Early Childhood Education building.