Xàbia offers free educational and sports extracurricular activities to schoolchildren
One of the novelties for this year’s initiative is the (re)introduction of traditional playground games to the youngsters.

Wednesday 5th October 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
The town hall in Xàbia is once again offering a programme of free extracurricular activities in schools of the municipality, an initiative called ‘Xàbia Esports Educa’ that it activated when the education centres adapted to the continuous day schedule.
Both the Department of Education and Department of Sports have come together to collaborate on the initiative, which is available to students who remain at school for lunch, allowing them to complement non-school hours (between 3.30pm and 5.00pm), according to the ages of the students.
With regards to Sports, psychomotricity is offered to the younger students whilst those at primary level can enjoy artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, judo, chess, handball, athletics, soccer and basketball. In this respect, the initiative also has the collaboration of different sports clubs and groups who will visit the schools to promote sport and make it available to younger children as well as encourage health habits.
The councillor responsible for Sports, Alberto Tur, added that a new feature this year will be the introduction – or re-introduction – of traditional playground games such as spinning tops, hopscotch, marbles and skittles.
In addition, the initiative includes nutrition and sustainability sessions to teach the younger members of the community about these two important areas so that they can apply them on a day-to-day basis in their own lives.
The councillor responsible for Education, Montse Villaverde, added that her department will also be providing three workshops, one on the world of theatre and storytelling, another on learning social skills, and the other on writing and layout with regards to editing a magazine.
Original Article: El Ayuntamiento de Xàbia ofrece extraescolares educativas y deportivas gratuitas en los colegios del municipio