Xàbia offers children’s workshops over Easter holidays

The Cívic Punt del Arenal also resumes its workshops for children


Monday 11th April 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Department of Education, Equality and Childhood has revealed details of two initiatives financed thanks to the Joint Responsibility Plan of the Ministry of Equality at the Generalitat Valenciana to support conciliation, joint responsibility in family care and effective equality between women and men.

The responsible councillor Montse Villaverde explained that days like Easter are busy in sectors related to tourism, Xàbia’s economic engine, and that it is difficult for many families to combine their jobs with the care of their children who enjoy their school holidays.

That is why Xàbia requested funding of a total of 121,000 euros to allocate it to family support actions in non-school seasons.

“Mini Chefs”

The Escola de Pascua is a completely free educational and recreational service aimed at boys and girls between 6 and 10 years of age in the municipality and which will have the kitchen as its common thread.

“Mini Chefs” will run from 8.30am to 2.00pm in the Multipurpose Room of Portal del Clot, on April 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 25th and will be coordinated by a company specialized in educational leisure. The 70 places available will be assigned in strict order of registration, except for those reserved for vulnerable groups.

The request for a place (you must commit to attend all week) can be made from today Monday from 9.00am using the following Google Docs form link.

Technological Campus

The other proposal is for the age group between 10 and 14 years. Entitled “Technological Campus“, it will focus on this field, which is of great interest to young people, and will offer workshops in which to learn how to edit videos or photos, etc.

This activity will take place at the Monjove headquarters (Casa Cultura) from 9.00am to 2.00 pm on April 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 25th and places are limited to 50. As with any other service, registration will open today Monday at 9.00am and can be made vis this link.

Taller de Pasqua

Another of the activities designed to give educational leisure options to the little ones during the holidays are the Easter workshops that will be offered at the Cívic Punt del Arenal.

The councilor responsible for the neighborhood, Rita Berruti, has announced that this space is resuming its social integration program aimed at the youngest and that from April 19th to 22nd there will be a series of themed workshops on crafts or Easter sweets (caps, baskets with eggs chocolate, key chains or cookies).

There will be two daily shifts (from 10.30am to 11.30am and from 11.45am to 12.45pm) with a maximum of 15 participants per workshop.

More information and registration on 691431892.

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