Xàbia marks International Pride Day with reading of manifesto
The document expressed Xàbia’s commitment to maintain respect for human rights and specifically the rights of the LGBTIq community.

Wednesday 28th June 2023
Mike Smith
Xàbia Council celebrated International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day with the reading of a manifesto by the first Deputy Mayor, Mavi Pérez and the Councilor for Social Services, Fátima Jarjor.
Mayor Rosa Cardona and councilors from almost all political parties with a representation in council gathered together in front of the town hall along with numerous municipal employees and residents.
The Manifesto
Almost 54 years ago, the Stonewall revolt began in New York, a series of spontaneous demonstrations in protest against a police raid that took place on June 28th 1969 in the Stonewall Inn pub. These riots spurred the fight of the contemporary LGBTI+ movement all over the world, in favour of the social normalization of sexual diversity and the eradication of LGTBIphobia, the recognition and protection of the rights, freedoms, equality and lives of lesbian people, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and more, against their discrimination, persecution and repression. It is a date and a struggle that is remembered every year, on International LGBTI Pride Day.
Eight years ago, in 2015, the General Directorate of Equality and Diversity was created to promote a regulatory framework and implement public policies to defend the rights of LGBTI people and against their discrimination and LGTBIphobia.
Valencian society has progressed together and the approved laws support us to make the Comunidad Valenciana a land that has embraced and protected social, family and sexual diversity, and especially the most vulnerable and vulnerable groups and people.
This year, the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Trans, Bisexuals, Intersexuals and more, an NGO that groups together more than 50 LGTBIQ+ entities, in the face of threats and attacks from reactionary sectors, has decided to change the motto of the state demonstration for “For our rights. For our lives. With pride!”
And Lambda, LGTBI+ collective for sexual, gender and family diversity, which organized and convened the Pride demonstration last Saturday 24th June in Valencia, with the slogan “Pride for all, rights for all”, has stated that “the rights of the LGTBI+ group must be respected. Trying to cut them is not admissible”.
For all this, Xàbia Council wishes to express its conviction that the majority will of Valencian society is not only to maintain the degree of respect for human rights and specifically the rights of LGBTIq+ people achieved these years but also to consolidate them and advance the pending issues; the duty of the Valencian institutions is to guarantee the rights of all people, without distinction and regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
We work to make Xàbia proud.