Xàbia launches campaign to enjoy Christmas responsibly

The mayor of Xàbia calls for responsibility to enjoy a very different Christmas safely.

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Friday 18th December 2020 | MIKE SMITH

The town hall in Xàbia has launched a Christmas campaign “Saber estar unidos” – “Knowing how to be united” – in which it is encouraging the people of the town to celebrate a very different Christmas this year, one that doesn’t allow us to be together as we would like, by calling for responsibility whilst also maintaining the strength that keeps us united.

Mayor José Chulvi has sent a message of hope that “2021 will be full of health, hope and reunions” but that for that to happen, it is important that we celebrate Christmas responsibly, to be aware of the situation, and to follow all the necessary health protocols put in place by the health authorities to combat the spread of the coronavirus infection.

The campaign includes an emotional video showing what will be the reality for many homes this Christmas. Three minutes to see, hear, and feel how we can continue live the magic and power of Christmas in a different way. It is subtitled in English.

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