Xàbia improves equipment for Local Police

Almost 70,000 euros is being invested in improving equipment for the local police force.

Policia Local 01

Archive Photo for illustration only; Xàbia is NOT one of the towns to be confined to its borders

Xàbia Council have acquired some new equipment for the Policía Local, both to improve its service equipment and the means to carry out their function.

One the investments has been the purchase of a speed radar for 17,787 euros that will allow officers to carry out speed checks within the municipality, a complement to the improvements in road signs and painting that is being carried out.

In addition, a new ethylometer breathalyzer has been acquired at a cost of 9.476 euros, which will be used to carry out breath tests for blood-alcohol levels, software for the reconstruction of accidents in the preparation of RCA reports costing 3,000 euros, and some plastic fences for road signing, which cost some 2,979 euros.

With regards to uniform, some 18.150 euros has been set aside for the purchase of 24 bulletproof vests and a further 16.949 euros for regulation firearms.

Friday 20th November 2020, 3.00pm – MGS