The fiesta is the oldest festive act still observed in the town today.

The religious festive calendar continues this Sunday 14th April with the acts that honour Sant Francesc de Paula, patron saint of the Minimum friars who built a convent in Xàbia in 1601. The event is the oldest fiesta act still observed in the town today.
A representation of the mayorales and mayoralesas of this year’s act, the residents selected as the fiesta’s main protagonists for 2024, met with mayor Rosa Cardona and the councillor responsible for Fiestas, Mavi Pérez (CPJ), to deliver the programme of events and extend an invitation to both the local government body and the residents in general to attend this Sunday’s acts.
The mayorales and mayoralesas are Juan Sapena Bolufer, Luisa Buigues Ivars, Pepa Cruañes Ivars, Pepa Buigues Ivars, Mª Francisca Cruañes Ivars, Concepción Cabrera Cruañes, José Cholbi Ros, Nathan Espasa Hobbs, Maruja Segarra Torres and María Magdalena Marí Molina.
The Programme
The programme has continued throughout this week with the novena to Sant Francesc de Paula at 7.30pm in the church of San Bartolomé with prayer and songs of joy. But the main act of the fiesta will be this Sunday 14th April.
Sunday 14th April
18:30 – A procession through the streets of the historic centre led by Romàntica del Saladar.
19:00 – Solemn Mass in the church of the Covent sing by the San Bartolomé Parish Choir.
20:00 – Procession of the image of Sant Francesc de Paula through the streets of the historic centre. Afterwards, all attendees are invited to complimentary wine.