Xàbia finally receives help to alleviate Gloria’s destruction

114,804 euros for the repair of the Arenal promenade


An image of the destruction left by the storm Gloria in Xàbia, in January 2020.

Monday 2nd August 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

Xàbia Council has received good news this week. The Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function has granted a subsidy to compensate for the large bill for the damage caused in the municipality caused by the passage of the Storm Gloria in January 2020.

As reported by the government team in a statement, they tried to take advantage of funding offered by the Government to recover part of the cost for the repair work in the Arenal which could not be undertaken via the emergency route and that wasn’t concluded until the middle of November. The work had a final cost of 165,879 euros.

Thus, the Ministry has granted Xàbia 114,804 euros, with which it has been able to recover 70% of that extraordinary expense.

The only grant awarded, so far

It should be noted that, at the moment, this is the only help that Xàbia has received to cover a damage bill for that storm which exceeded 440,000 euros.

At one of the first round for funding promoted by the Government, the council presented its application for financial aid but, according to the PP last March, it was rejected and the local government remains in dispute with central government in an attempt to get hold of some this funding.

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