Xàbia expands 2021 volunteer tax payment schedule by a month

The Council has acted in response ongoing economic situation caused by the COVID-19 health crisis.

Área Economica

Xàbia Council has approved the taxpayer’s calendar for the 2021 financial year, a schedule that sets the periods of voluntary payment of municipal taxes.

Councillor Ximo Segarra (Treasury) explained that, due to the current economic circumstances, the Council has chosen to extend these periods for a further month and make their decision public now so that taxpayers are able to plan well in advance to meet their municipal tax obligations for 2021.

The voluntary period for the payment of vehicle tax, rubbish tax and access/driveway tax will run from February 8th until May 20th inclusive, whilst period for voluntary payment of the urban and rural estate property tax (IBI) and business tax (IAE) will run from August 6th until November 19th inclusive.

The Council is also continuing to offer the possibility of setting up a ‘Voluntary Personalized Payment Scheme’ in which the taxpayer chooses how to organize their payments and can receive discounts if they do so before the voluntary payment deadlines.

To find out about this system, those interested can consult the municipal website here as well as contact the appropriate department either by telephone on 966 50 88 61 or by email recaudacion@ajxabia.org.

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