Xàbia encourages recycling of electronic devices
The event will take place in the morning in the Plaza de Correos and in the afternoon on Avenida Jaume I

Tuesday 9th November 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith
For another year, Xàbia will be part of the regional awareness campaign “Recicla Tus Aparatos“, an initiative that aims to convey to residents the importance of recycling electrical and electronic devices and explain how to do it the correct way.
The campaign will take place from 10.00am to 2.00pm in the Plaza de la Marina Alta (in front of the Post Office) and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm in Calle Jaime I (Puerto area) on Tuesday 16th November.
A mobile clean point will be installed where residents can deposit their small damaged or disused electrical and electronic equipment in order to promote the sustainability of the planet. This space will be marked off so that people who decide to approach can do so with the maximum guarantees of health security.
In order to encourage residents to participate, people who recycle their electrical and electronic equipment will be rewarded. There will be different raffles between the participants at street level, where they can win different electrical and electronic products as well as a contest that will be held through the social networks of Facebook (@reciclatusaparatos) and Instagram (@reciclatusaparatos) in which participants can win a Samsung Tablet.
The objective of this campaign is to guarantee the correct recycling of these devices and convey to residents the importance of this action and to get involved in sustainability, since in many cases the devices end up in conventional containers, affecting the planet and increasing the degree of contamination.