Extensive programme includes the start of the fiestas honouring Jesús Nazareno and the presentation of Xàbia Folk 2024.

This week’s extensive cultural programme in Xàbia includes stand-up comedy, children’s storytelling and theatre as well as music from the ARS NOVA choral group and the young musicians of the CENTRE ARTÍSTIC MUSICAL DE XÀBIA, all framed within the first few days of the festivities honouring the town’s treasured image of Jesús Nazareno.
Thursday 25th April
At 8.00pm in the multipurpose room of the Portal del Clot municipal complex, there will be stand-up comedy as part of the DIJOUS DE COMÈDIA season with a performance from Coria Castillo.
Friday 26th April
At 5.30pm in the municipal library in Carrer Major in the heart of the historic centre, there will be a new edition of the children’s storytelling season with the tale of “LA FADA QUE NO VOLIA SER FADA”.
At 8.00pm in the Casa de Cultura in Plaça del Baix, there will be the official presentation of the XXII XÀBIA FOLK FESTIVAL with a performance by the group KRAMA which explores fashions and rhythms from the Balkans, Greece and the shores of the Black Sea, creating a common ground where Mediterranean sounds and songs intervene with convoluted rhythms and games with open and tense harmonies. The lyrics of the songs are original in Valencian and by poets such as Vicent Andrés Estellés, Isabel García Canet or adaptations into Valencian of works by Greek poets such as Kostas Karyotakis and Odisseas Elitis. Admission is free.
Saturday 27th April
At 11.00am in the multipurpose room of the Portal del Clot municipal complex, there will be a SPRING CONCERT performed by the youth orchestra of the Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia.
At 5.30pm in the Casa de Cultura in Plaça del Baix, there will a new session of CHILDREN’S THEATRE in Spanish with a performance of “HISTORIA DE UN CALCETÍN” by Canica Teatro. Admission is three euros.
At 8.30pm in the historic church of San Bartolomé in the heart of the historic centre, there will be the XXII FESTIVAL CORAL ARS NOVA with performances by Coral Ars Armonium de Orihuela, Cor Carmesina de Gandia and Ars Nova de Xàbia. Admission is free.
Sunday 28th April
At 7.00pm in the marquee in Plaza de la Constitución, there will be the NOCHE DE SAINETES (a “night of Valencian farce”) to raise funds for the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), performed by the theatre group VALENTES I POSITIVES DE PEDREGUER. Admission is a 5 euro donation to AECC.

The Centre d’Arts Lambert in Carrer Major in the historic centre is hosting the collective exhibition “MULTIDISCIPLINARY ART PROJECTS” by students of the Fine Arts Faculty at the Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche until May 25th.
The Casa del Cable in the Paseo Maritímo in Duanes del Mar is hosting the exhibition “EL SAGRATY I EL PROFÀ: RITUALS CREATIUS DE LA MATERIA” by the Grup d’Investigació: Materia until May 5th.