What taxes must be paid and within what period in Xàbia?

A quick guide of how to meet your local tax obligations in Xàbia.

25-Ayuntamiento Finance

Friday 25th March 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Álvaro Monfort (Xàbia AL DÍA)

Each year, there are two time periods in which the payment of annual municipal taxes must be made. These are the well-known first and second voluntary payment periods. Do not confuse the term (almost euphemistic) “voluntary period”, as it does not mean that the payment is optional, but that it is the taxpayer who decides when to make the payment.

The requirements and rates applied in each case are regulated in the municipal ordinances. Xàbia’s 2022 fiscal calendar is as follows:

From March 14th to May 30th
First voluntary period of payment of:
– Impuesto de Vehículos, Tracción Mecánica (IVTM – Vehicle Tax)
– Tasa de Entrada Vehículos (Ramp and Garage Tax)
– Tasa de Gestión de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (Rubbish Management Tax)

From August 8th to October 24th
Second voluntary period for payment of:
– Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles Urbana y Rústica (IBI – Property Tax)
– Impuesto de Actividades Económicas. (IAE – Business Tax)

IVTM Vehicle Tax

This tax is levied on the ownership of vehicles fit for use on public roads and registered with the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) if that vehicle hasn’t been removed from that registry (for whatever reason). The tax covers the year beginning January 1st and will be charged even if the vehicle is off the road for any part of the year.

This last detail is important, as the tax demand on a vehicle will continue to be issued even if it is no longer in use until its removal from the DGT database. If your vehicle is off the road for an entire year, you can apply for a baja temporal to get an exemption from paying the tax.

Individuals or legal entities in whose name the vehicle is listed on the registration documents are liable for this tax on January 1st each year, although the payment period is delayed until March.

Rubbish Collection Tax

This tax is collected to pay for the garbage collection, treatment and, where appropriate, eco-park management and transfer service, an essential function for the safety and health of the municipality. It is 125 euros a year for households, half if the holder of the receipt is a pensioner or if the homeowner has requested it before the month of December the previous year (for this year, it should have been requested before December 2021).

The tax starts to be charged from the moment the service starts and its calculation may vary from one municipality to another. It must be paid by the homeowner.

Ramp and Garage Tax (Vado)

This tax charges for the right to use a space on the public road, in an individual or private way and includes entrances to garage buildings, exclusive parking areas, vehicle stop areas and loading and unloading areas.

How to pay taxes in Xàbia?

To pay these local taxes and fulfill the duty of the citizen, Xàbia Council has launched a new “Virtual Tax Office” this year, in which “the taxpayer has all his information or tax management available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and from anywhere in the world“.

This virtual office can be accessed via this link and is available in Valencian, Spanish and English).

In addition, the Department of Finance, headed by councillor Ximo Segarra, has reorganized its staff to improve face-to-face care in its offices at Calle Mayor (No.15) and thus be able to serve people who can not make online arrangements.

Collaborating Entities

Only Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander and Cajamar collaborate in this tax collection process, the other banks (BBVA and Caixabank) have opted not to collaborate with Xàbia Council.

When the tax demand arrives in the post, you can go to these banks and pay it at the ATMs or pay it through the virtual tax office of Xàbia Council.

Click on the logo above to read the original article on Xàbia AL DÍA.

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