Valencia will administer more than 306,000 vaccine doses this week
Vaccination will target people between the ages of 40 and 59

PHOTO CREDIT: Generalitat Valenciana
Monday 14th June 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith
The regional health ministry plans to administer a total of 306,092 doses of the four authorized COVID-19 vaccines this week: specifically, 242,123 doses of Pifzer, 39,014 Moderna, 10,190 AstraZeneca and 14,765 single doses of Janssen.
The Pfizer vaccine will be administered mainly for people aged between 40 and 59 with 228,103 doses reserved for first and second jabs in this age group which will be administered in health centres and mass vaccination points. Another 3,786 doses have been distributed to companies for workers in the same age group, whilst the rest will be administered to other groups.
The majority of the Moderna vaccine doses (38,700) are intended for people aged between 40 and 59, those born between 1961 and 1981, whilst 9,580 doses of the AztraZeneca vaccine will be used to complete the immunization schedule for people under 60. The single dose Janssen will be administered to the 40-59 age group.
Regional health secretary Ana Barceló explained that the vaccine “places us before a hopeful horizon”, adding that “we have to continue to keep the virus at bay with the vaccination rate that we have in the Comunidad Valenciana and not forget that the pandemic is still here”.