Valencia seeks company to create system to detect unregistered tourist accommodation


Nuria Montes explained that “we are taking another step in the fight against fraud, which we will consolidate with the upcoming publication of the decree on tourist housing”.

The Ministry of Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism at the Generalitat Valenciana has opened the tender process for the contract to develop a system to detect unregistered tourist accommodation in the Comunidad Valenciana.

The objective of the initiative is to significantly improve the procedure for the identification, monitoring and control of unauthorised tourist accommodation (VUT). The responsible minister, Nuria Montes, explained that “[the Generalitat] is taking another step in the fight against fraud, one of the objectives that will be consolidated with the upcoming publication of the decree on tourist housing”, adding that the future AI tool will help combat the unregulated promotion of this type of accommodation in the Valencian region.

The project is promoted by the Dirección General de Innovación within the framework of the Tech FabLab Comunitat Valenciana initiative in collaboration with the Dirección General de Turismo. Companies and start-up businesses in the Comunidad Valenciana are invited to submit bids as well as those from the autonomous communities of Aragon, Cantabria, Catalonia, Navarre and La Rioja which are also participating in the Tech FabLab project.

The bidders can present their proposals online via the website here which will be analyzed by an evaluation committee consisting of representatives of the Generalitat Valenciana and professionals from different areas related to tourism and technological innovation. Five finalists will be presented at the Open Innovation Day in October when the winning bid will also be announced.

The winning system will take advantage of various databases as well as sources not yet contemplated as well as making use of AI and other enabling technologies to accurately locate unregistered tourist accommodation. The software must be compatible with systems used by the public administration and will feature a comprehensive dashboard to display the state of the VUT market and provide added value through usability and transparency of the information.

The Tech FabLab initiative seeks to promote technological development and collaboration between companies and entities to address strategic challenges in the Comunidad Valenciana.

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