Valencia proposes that 24/25 school year will begin on Monday 9th September

The calendar includes seven regional holidays and town councils may propose up to a maximum of three days as non-school days.

The Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment has proposed that the 2024/25 school year for students at pre-school, primary school and high school levels as well as further education and vocational training levels will begin on Monday 9th September 2024 and conclude on Wednesday 18th June 2025.

The general-director of the Teaching Centres (Centros Docentes) at the Generalitat Valenciana, Jorge Cabo, explained that “next year, the Infant, Primary, Secondary and Further Education centres of the Comunidad Valenciana will have 179 teaching days compared to 180 in the current year, following the request of the unions”, adding that the demands of parents, who requested that classes end early due to the heat and so that it did not coincide with the San Juan festivities, have also been heard.

In addition, basic qualification and second-chance vocational training programmes will begin on Wednesday 11th September 2024 and conclude on Wednesday 18th June 2025, whilst Adult Education courses as well as Artistic Education (Music and Dance), Sports Education and Visual Arts education will all open on Monday 16th September 2024 and conclude on Friday 13th June 2025. The Official Language Schools (EOI) will begin on Tuesday 24th September 2024 and finish on Wednesday 18th June 2025.

Holiday Periods

The non-school periods during the 24/25 academic year include the Christmas holidays, which will be from Monday 23rd December 2024 to Monday 6th January 6th, both inclusive, and the Easter holidays, which cover Thursday 17th April to Monday 28th April 2025, inclusive.

In addition, the schools will be closed on Wednesday 9th October 2024 (Día de la Comunitat Valenciana), Friday 1st November 2024 (Fiesta de Todos los Santos), Friday 6th December 2024 (Día de la Constitución) Wednesday 25th 2024 (Día de la Natividad del Señor), Wednesday 19th March 2025 (Día de San José), Friday 18th April 2025 (Viernes Santo), and Thursday 1st May 2025 (Día Internacional de los Trabajadores).

Local Councils may propose up to a maximum of three days as non-school days, in accordance with the procedure provided in the fifth article of the Order of June 11, 1998, of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Science, which establishes the criteria general rules by which the school calendar must be governed for all educational centres in the Comunidad Valenciana that teach Pre-School Education, Primary Education, Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training, Baccalaureate, Artistic Education and Language Education.

The General Directorate of Teaching Centers may authorize, for a centre or a municipality, a school calendar different from the one established when exceptional circumstances occur, in accordance with the procedure established in article nine of the aforementioned Order.