Valencia committed to maintaining ‘Bono Viaje’ initiative as a “very positive tool” for tourism

Colomer has highlighted that during the pandemic “we have grown a lot in inland tourism and now we must transform those figures into something lasting and sustainable”.


Tuesday 26th April 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – GVA Turisme

The regional secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer, has presented the new edition of the Guía Temps 2022 together with Joaquín Deusdad, the president of the Accommodation, Restaurant and Experiences in the Interior of the Comunidad Valenciana.

Colomer stressed that during the pandemic “we have grown a lot in inland tourism and now we must transform those figures into something lasting and sustainable” for which he explained that Tourism “is working to promote inland tourism, to make more permanent what during the pandemic was a hatching point“.

The head of regional tourism has been in favour of “maintaining the Bono Viaje (the ‘travel voucher’ initiative) over time, since it is a tool that has turned out to be very positive for keeping the [tourism] sector active” adding that “if it is useful, and it has proven to be so, it should stay until no longer needed“.

In this sense, he explained that “the Bono Viaje was very timely at a moment when the international and national markets were unviable due to the perimeter closures, when we decided to bet on the Valencian market in Valencian territory. The Bono Viaje has worked, and in my opinion it is a project that has come to stay for many years“.

Joaquín Deusdad stressed that “Guía Temps has represented inland tourism in the Comunidad Valenciana in areas where we had not been given the floor before” and pointed out that “we have incalculable social and cultural value that is now being acknowledged“.

Likewise, Deusdad has explained that “the travel voucher of the Comunidad Valenciana has meant a before and after, and has contributed to deseasonalization and to maintain and increase tourist activity, generating quality tourism“, for which he stressed that “it’s the best tourism promotion has been done in many years“.

Turisme Comunitat Valenciana is collaborating through an agreement with the Asociación Club de Producto de los Alojamientos de Interior de la Comunitat Valenciana-Temps to support initiatives to promote and commercialize the inland tourism offer of the Comunidad Valenciana in 2022.

The regional tourism department will contribute a total maximum amount of 80,000 euros to develop different initiatives in favour of improving the competitiveness of inland tourism.