Vaccination could be put on hold for those under 65 who have had COVID-19 in last six months
It is a recommendation and not a contraindication to help optimize available doses and improve vaccination coverage.

PHOTO CREDIT: Generalitat Valenciana
Thursday 25th March 2021 | PRESS RELEASE; translation MIKE SMITH
The regional health ministry is recommending that vaccination be postponed for people under 65 years of age who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last six months.
Like most infectious diseases, COVID-19 elicits an immune system response that protects against the disease which means that it is extremely rare for people who have had it to get it again, at least within six months of the original infection.
For this reason, to help optimize the use of available doses and improve vaccination coverage, it has been recommended to postpone vaccination for people who have had the disease in the last six months. However, it is just that: a recommendation, rather than a contraindication (a situation that would make the vaccination procedure inadvisable). If a person who has been called to the vaccination venue and has had COVID-19 in the last six months opts to be administered with the vaccine, it will be done so.
Those affected who decide to follow the recommendation will be vaccinated after the six months has elapsed with their group (professional or risk group) or when their age group is called in for their second dose. In addition, recent studies have shown that protection is very high in people under 65 years of age so it is currently recommended that they delay their vaccination until the six months have elapsed.
Of course, this recommendation will be adapted according to the evolution of scientific evidence and research into this novel coronavirus.
Information Source
Press Release – Generalitat Valenciana