Ukraine Crisis: How You Can Help

Details of all the available options currently available to support the plight of the Ukrainian people fleeing the conflict.


Friday 4th March 2022 – Mike Smith
Translated from a press release from Ajuntament de Xàbia

How You Can Help

Money Donations to International Organisations Present in the Conflict Zone

  • Cruz Roja (Red Cross) – link
  • UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) – link
  • UNICEF (UN Children’s Agency) – link
  • Cáritas (Catholic Relief, Development and Social Service) – link
  • Save the Children – link

Action & Collections at the Local Level (Xàbia)

  • Charity Exhibition – From Monday 7th March until Thursday 10th March, from 5.00pm until 9.00pm, several local artists will be displaying some of their work in a charity exhibition at the Centre de Artes Lambert in Carrer Mayor in the historic centre. All works will be available to buy to raise money to provide assistance to refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine, funding that will be managed through the Cruz Roja.
  • Clothing and Food Collections – In the last few days, both the Rotary Club and the Ukrainian Community in Xàbia have collected warm clothing and basic necessities to send to the border areas with Ukraine. Both are currently covered and, in the event that collections will be needed again, we will spread the word.

Welcoming Refugees

Several people have arrived in Xàbia in recent days – particularly women and children – fleeing from the war and are already welcomed in the homes of relatives or acquaintances. The local council is also managing options to offer spaces to possible refugees who may arrive in the coming days, both in a municipal shelter and houses or private rooms which are available. In this regard, the Housing Department will prepare a list with the resources that may be available. If you want to offer (full house or room) you can contact the email

Care of Displaced Ukrainians Arriving in Xàbia

Asylum Application

INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION (ASYLUM) can be requested at border posts, airports and international seaports. Within the Spanish territory, it is managed by the Policía Nacional, authorised immigration offices, and at the OAR (Asylum and Refuge Office).

If you are in Xàbia and need to request asylum for a recently arrived family member, you must to the Oficina de Extranjería at the Policía Nacional in Dénia (Calle Castell d’Olimbroi, 5) or telephone 96 578 38 51.

  • An appointment must be requested for each member of the family or couple who wishes to apply for international protection.
  • For more detailed information, orientation, and help with the procedure, the Generalitat Valencia has offices and a free telephone service (900 404 403) within the ATLAS programme (migration and refuge).

Reguest for Emergency Social Assistance in Xàbia

In the case of requiring emergency social assistance, requests should be made with the local council in Xàbia through the Centro Social in Calle Rafael Echagüe, next to the Plaza de la Constitución, or by telephoning 965 79 41 42.

Other Support Organisations

  • Cruz Roja de Xàbia, Avenida d’Alacant, 12. Telephone: 965 79 19 61.
  • Cáritas Parroquia de la Mar, Calle Pio X, 9. Telephone: 965 79 12 86.
  • Cáritas Parroquia San Bartolomé, Avenida d’Alacant, 10.

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