TRIXÀBIA 2022: Road Closure and Traffic Restriction Information
There will be significant restrictions in the Arenal zone and on specific main roads in the municipality.

Wednesday 21st September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia
The Policía Local de Xàbia has announced details of the road closures and restrictions on the movement on traffic through the municipality this Sunday 25th as a result of the staging of the 10th edition of TriXÀBIA.
There will be significant restrictions in the Arenal zone which will be the epicentre for the competition.
Traffic will be restricted between 7.30am and 1.00pm on the following roads:
- Avenida Mediterráneo (Primer Montañar)
- Calle Génova
- Avenida del Pla
- Via Augusta
If the competition ends earlier than 1.00pm, the roads will be re-opened immediately.
Access to the restricted zone outlined in the image below will be limited to emergency vehicles and residents in specific case of need, in which case they will be allowed access in a controlled manner by the police through the Fontana quay.
All drivers who need to access the Arenal zone or the urbanizations in the south of the municipality are recommended to use Camí Cabanes or Travesia de Cansalades from Poble Nou de Benitatxell.