Town hall issues statement about disappointing firework display which brought fiesta to a close

The pyrotechnic company (Ricasa) has accepted the error and Xàbia Council and the Fiesta Commission are negotiating with it to find an appropriate compensation formula.


Friday 9th September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

Xàbia Council has issued a statement in response to the disappointing firework display that brought an end to the festivities honouring Mare de Déu de Loreto.

Within minutes of the start, it became obvious to those who gathered along the promenade and sitting on the beach in the port that something was wrong as the iconic display set off on the very surface of the waters of the bay of Xàbia spluttered through its motions and even stopped for a few minutes.

In response, the town hall has today issued the following statement:

As you saw, the fireworks at the end of the Loreto fiesta last night did not meet the usual quality standards.

The pyrotechnics suffered a computer problem in the firing from the aquatic platforms that caused the show to lose control and left half of the rockets unfired.

The pyrotechnic company (Ricasa) has accepted the error and Xàbia Council and the Fiesta Commission are negotiating with it to find an appropriate compensation formula.

Xàbia Council regrets the disappointment of all those who had gathered to enjoy this iconic display.

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