The new online system will help improve the management of appointments with the Council


Xàbia Town Council has activated a new tool to make it easier for citizens to request a prior appointment with different municipal departments. The service is enabled on the council website – external link – which is very easy to use and does not need the installation of any application or similar. Only a contact email is required to which the applicant will be sent an appointment reminder or notified of any changes.

The COVID-19 health crisis has forced a reduction in personal face-to-face contact and as a consequence the Council switchboards have seen a huge increase in the number of telephone calls which, in some cases, have resulted in the management of those calls becoming saturated, despite the fact that staffing levels have been quadrupled.

In response, the Department of New Technologies, headed by councillor Ximo Segarra, has developed this new alternative means of contact which will be able to manage appointments directly with the responsible department. This system is already active for Urban Planning, Tax Management and the OAC areas, which are the most demanded, and the rest of the department will be gradually incorporated.

The Council has also moved to remind citizens that the Council’s electronic office – external link – is also available to carry out procedures without an appointment and without having to travel.