Toni Marí assumes presidency of Rotary Club Jávea
He aims to give a boost to the concept of “sharing the region” involving Rotary clubs, municipalities, and companies.

Thursday 1st July 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith
The Rotary Club de Jávea celebrated its traditional act of changing collars, when the position of club president and board is renewed. The new president will be renowned Xàbia sculptor Toni Mari, whose aim during his year will be to give a boost to the concept of “sharing the region” involving Rotary clubs, municipalities, and companies.
The club has explained that the change of president is an annual act which allows them to renew the momentum of the club as well as the energies of its members.
For the year that begins now, the chief executive will be Toni Marí, who succeeds Luis Santos, and he will be accompanied by Angel Palomar (macero), Andrea Salerno (secretary) and Ingrid Rodríguez, who will assume the functions of treasurer.
In addition, Marí has appointed a working team of different committees into which the Rotary Club de Jávea has been divided: Membership, Youth, Environment, Senior Citizens’ Projects, and Sports Events, among others.

The exchange of collars took place at the Salones Carrasco, en event attended by the district governer, Javier Ygarza, and members of the clubs of Dénia and Calp as well as mayor José Chulvi and councillor Kika Mata (Environment), both receiving recognition for their collaboration during the past year.
In his opening address as new president, Toni Marí had a few words of remembrance for Jesús de la Rocha, who passed away a year ago and who had help him a lot in his previous stage as the group’s highest representative. Marí set his primary goal of trying to “make a difference” though Rotary Clubs and involving municipalities and businesses.
He also confirmed that he intends to continue with the projects in the field of Environment and awareness and announced that there will be a committee dedicated to working with the schools.