The charity events also include a Valencian farce evening and a blood donation session.


On the evening of Tuesday 30th April, the Youth Band of the Center Artístic Musical de Xàbia (CAM) and the Petit Arts choral group will be performing a charity concert in aid of the Aspanion association which supports children with cancer.

The concert will be in a marquee that will be erected in the Plaza de la Constitución and tickets cost 3 euros which can now be purchased at the town’s tourism info office, Decuero in the church square and on the door on the day of the concert.

The concert consists of two parts: the first part will feature the Youth Band under the baton of Miriam Llerena performing the work ‘Around the World in 80 Days: Europe, India, America, Egypt, China, Back to England‘; whilst the second part features the young choralists of Petit Arts will perform the following pieces ‘Tinc una barca molt vella‘, ‘Siyahamba‘, ‘Eh Soom Boo Kawaya‘, ‘Banaha‘ and ‘Cubanita‘ with the direction of Antonio Caselles and Carme Català. Later, the two musical groups together will perform ‘Un Conte Musical‘ and ‘Lluna Mediterrània‘ accompanied on the piano by Pablo Martín and Silvia Ferrer.

Blood donation on April 24

The charity events begin next week, with the blood donation day on Wednesday 24th April organized by the Jesús Nazareno Commission, the Departments of Festivals and Health, and the Alicante Transfusion Centre.

The Transfusion Centre staff will be at the Xàbia Health Center between 5.00pm and 8.30pm. All attendees will be given the festival booklet after donating it. To donate blood the requirements are that you should be between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilos, and do not come on an empty stomach. NOTE: There is still a ban of people donating blood who lived continuously for at least one year in the United Kingdom between 1980 and 1996 due to the outbreak of mad cow disease during that time.

Valencian Farce on April 28

And finally, on Sunday 28th April at 7.00pm, the NOCHE DE SAINTETES (Valencian Farce) will feature the theatre group ‘Valentes i Positives’ made up of women from the Marina Alta who have overcome cancer, performing ‘A mi no m’agrada critique‘ and ‘Mortes de fam‘. The evening will include a performance by the local monologist Pepa Ferraro. Tickets will be sold from 5.00pm at the marquee installed in Plaza de la Constitución.

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