The trade and the hospitality sectors call for consistency to avoid a new lockdown of its businesses

A statement appeals for consistency and common sense: “irresponsible behaviour has begun to be observed in certain establishments”.

XAD 210304 Hospitality

Thursday 4th March 2021 | ALVARO MONFORT

The business and hospitality sectors of Xàbia (the Association of Restaurateurs of Xàbia (ARX) and the trade associations of the Centro Histórico, Aduanas del Mar, Arenal and the Municipal Market) have siied to make an appeal to consistency and common sense to all local business people given that, as stated in a joint statement: “irresponsible behaviour has begun to be observed in certain establishments” since the reopening of last Monday. Four days ago.

Without the intention of directly pointing out anyone, the joint statement calls for “responsibility and respect for others”. In this sense, they remind bars and restaurant owners, as well as business owners that they must comply with the capacity measures in force in the Comunidad Valenciana since Monday 1st March. The new measures add to those already in place for the whole of society are: maximum capacity of 75% only in terraces, closing at 6.00pm, 4 people per table and a minimum distance of 1½ metres in the case of the hospitality industry and 50 % of capacity and closing at 8.00 pm except for establishments classified as essential.

The statement also emphasized the need for customers to use masks, respect the social distance and capacity allowed “for their safety and that of the employees to ensure that the bar/restaurant and commercial activity does not pose a danger of infection” . In this sense, they issued a reminder that people cannot smoke on the terraces.

The trade and hospitality sectors also requested the collaboration of the municipal authorities so that “a forceful police control is established so that all measures are enforced. A joint collaboration, so that one can work and enjoy within this new normal, because if one fails, it takes everyone down again“.

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