The seven hopefuls for the rubbish collection contract reveal their bids

The contract is worth more than 6 million euros and will include a new fifth container only for organic waste.

XAD 2103010 Rubbish Contract

FILE PHOTO: A group of containers on Avenida Augusta in Xàbia.

Wednesday 10th March 2021 | CARLOS LÓPEZ

Xàbia Council continues with the procedures of the tender process for the contracting of the rubbish collection service and street cleaning, a procedure that completes one of the phases, the opening of the tender bids.

This week the municipal technical team has published the details of the economic offers made by each of the seven companies on the Contracting Platform, a procedure that allow the municipal team to prepare the necessary reports to continue with the process in accordance with the conditions of the contract specification.

However, whilst waiting for these reports, it is already possible to obtain an approximation of what will be the final result of the public tender for the provision of this service, which will generally entail an annual outlay of more than 6 million euros (VAT included).

When assessing the cost, companies had to present a maximum price per ton collected that they will charge the Council, set at 206 euros:

  • Tetma: 187,14 euros
  • Valoriza: 197,04 euros
  • Cespa: 197,83 euros
  • OHL: 199,71 euros
  • FCC: 203,3 euros
  • SAV: 206,34 euros
  • Urbaser: 206,4 euros

(These amounts are multiplied by the tonnage forecast – about 14,984 – and for total cost of the service.)

Street and Beach Cleaning

In addition, the technicians must also assesss the proposals for the provision of the street and beach cleaning service, which the companies have also bid in the following way (from cheapest to most expensive):

  • SAV: 2.41m euros
  • OHL: 2.64m euros
  • Cespa: 2.74m euros
  • Urbaser: 2.82m euros
  • Valoriza: 2.85m euros
  • Tetma: 2.85m euros

In addition, they must also include the improvement section that all companies undertake to comply with, for example promotional and advertising campaigns valued at about 114,000 euros, as well as the hiring of a team of three people to start an environmental education initiative.

The assessment of the economic offer and the improvements will be incorporated into the evaluation of the technical proposal to determine the winner of the contract.

The challenges facing the future operator

One of the main challenges that the winner of the future rubbish collection contract will face is the implementation of the so-called fifth container. Only organic waste should be thrown in this container, therefore, all residents will be obliged to consider a fourth compartment in our kitchens to separate our rubbish even more.

At the same time, next to the existing containers (grey, green, blue and yellow) we will see the brown container in which the organic remains will have to be deposited.

The implementation of this container will also require a clear and visible promotion campaign, hence the service specifications require aspiring companies to allocate a portion to this concept equivalent to at least 1% of the total contract. Until now, the only publicity for the contractor was an advertisement in every fiesta book.

Click below to read the original article in Spanish on Xàbia AL DÍA

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