The royal post boxes have now appeared across the three centres of Xàbia
The Royal Emissaries will also be visiting the town to collect letters prior to the arrival of the Three Kings.

Tuesday 28th December 2021 – ÁLVARO MONFORT with Mike Smith
The Three Kings have begun to cover Xàbia with their magic. Last Sunday, the municipality woke up with three Royal post boxes distributed in the three main population centres that await letters from all residents.
These are located in Plaça de l’Esglèsia (in front of the town hall), in the courtyard of the Loreto port church, and on the Paseo del Tenista David Ferrer at the foot of the large Christmas tree. They will remain in place until the morning of Wednesday 5th January 2021.
In a letter sent to the Department of Fiestas and the Three Kings Commission, Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar explained that their wish this year was that no boy or girl from Xàbia, or indeed any adult, should be left without being able to send them their letter. Therefore, aware of the state of the health situation of the municipality and the reluctance that it may arouse to participate in major events, they have requested that their mailboxes be installed so that everyone can send their letter with peace of mind.
But not only that. As was happening before the pandemic, the Royal Emissaries will visit the population in person. After arriving by sea, they will first visit will be Aduanas del Mar next Sunday 2nd January at 5.00pm, when they will walk the streets of the port carrying a portable mailbox so that everyone can approach them to deposit their letters in it and thus avoid crowds.
Already settled in their Royal Camp (which for the first time will be located in a visible place for everyone) the Royal Emissaries will continue to collect letters from the citizens on Monday 3rd January and Tuesday 4th January in the Riurau d’Arnauda from 4.00pm until 8.00pm. Also, Monday 3rd, they will visit the Arenal beach from 5.00pm, when they can be found next to the large tree along the promenade.
The Three Kings have requested that, when meeting their Emissaries, the people of Xàbia be prudent and wear a mask and try to maintain social distancing.