The reform of CEIP Mediterrània de Xàbia remains unfilled for the second time

The council applies a penalty of 10,600 euros to the successful bidder for not delivering the necessary documentation to formalize the contract.

20-CEIP Medi

Monday 20th December 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

The renovation of the CEIP Mediterrània (formerly CEIP Vicente Tena) is on the way to becoming a headache for the Xàbia government team. The only company that entered the contest (after being unfilled the first time) has been rejected because it did not deliver the necessary documentation to the council, despite the extension of the deadlines, and neither did it formalize the necessary guarantee.

The contracting team agreed on November 15th to withdraw the contract, but it was not until November 25th that the governing board made the formal decision, which was posted on the Contracting platform last Friday and the content of which was not reported by the local government in the 30 days that have passed since then.

In the document posted on the contracts website, it is stated that the company Creación de Proyectos Canovan was the provisional winner for the contract to carry out renovations at the school for an amount of 349,000 euros. As part of the confirmation process, the council required the company to complete the necessary documentation to formalize the contract, including documentation (such as being up to date with Social Security and tax obligations), civil liability insurance certificate, and bank certificate of having deposited a guarantee of about 14,400 euros.

The company requested an extension to formalize them, based on the fact that it was required from its bank, and the council granted this extension. But it still didn’t provide the necessary documentation and guarantee in order to complete the award process.

Thus, the governing board, based on the report from the contracting team, decided to withdraw the contract offer and apply a penalty to the company amounting to 10,646 euros.

This company was the only one that presented a proposal, which has now been declared void, and that the council will have to reopen the tender process, hoping that the third proposal will be the final one.

Click on the logo above the read the original article in Spanish.