The fiesta feeling returns to Xàbia as young people introduce themselves to residents

The Quintàs of 2021 and 2022 passed through the streets of the town in a lively fashion, accompanied by the ubiquitous charanga band.

211115 Quintas

Monday 15th November 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith

The fiesta feeling has been missing from Xàbia life for more than 20 months but it returns briefly to the streets of the town on Saturday evening when the young people who make up Quintà 2021 “La Desastrà” and Quintà 2022 “La Retornà” took part in an informal parade to introduce themselves to the residents and announce that they are ready and prepared for the return of the fiestas.

The procession, accompanied by a charanga band and the ubiquitous rockets that exploded into the night sky, passed through the streets in a lively fashion, well-controlled by the Fogueres Commission and accompanied by the main representatives of Quintà 2020, seriously depleted after their special moment was cancelled last year but those who remain are keen to mark their occasion nevertheless.

The parade marks the start of an unprecedented period in which the young groups will prepare together for the celebrations of the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia, arguably the biggest party of the year in the town. Over the next few months, the young people will be raising funds, assisting in major events such as the arrival of the Three Kings and Carnaval before their spot in the limelight arrives next June.

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