The Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia incorporates 11 new musicians

The musical association celebrates Santa Cecilia with three concerts

CAM 2022 Intake

Sunday 6th November 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Centre Artístico Musical de Xàbia (CAM) kicked off its festive events to honour its patron saint Santa Cecilia with one of the most emotional act; the collection of new musicians who become part of their groups.

This year there are eleven young people who join the entity between the Band and the Orchestra.
The band section takes on Joan Salort Cholbi (percussion), Joan Fernández Galán (percussion), Lidia Tur Bolufer (percussion), Batiste Bisquert Arabí (trumpet), Joan Buigues Pineda (trumpet), Inés Ginestar Giner (clarinet) and Marc Bisquert Figols ( trombone) while the orchestra section is reinforced with Carla García Caselles (viola), Marc Antonaía Tent (viola), Marta Ramos Fornet (bassoon), Constanza Guillem Bergillos (viola) and Mari Carmen Buigues Yuste (piano).

The band paraded through the historic centre on Sunday to collect the new additions from their homes as well as the new muse, who this year is Sofía Chorro Mas.

This act kicks off the official program which includes three concerts from the three groups of CAM Xàbia.

They start on Saturday 12th November at 9.30pm at the church of San Bartolomé with the a performance from the CAM orchestra, continue on Sunday 13th November at 8.30pm in the same venue with music provided by the youth band and the youth orchestra, demonstrating the strength of the young musicians in the group, and concludes on Saturday 19th November at 9.30pm, again at the church, with a performance from the CAM band.