Study confirms that 100% of vaccinated hospital staff have developed defences against COVID-19

Approximately 10% of personnel vaccinated with Pfizer at the Valencia General Hospital have been sampled.

GVA 210222 Vaccination

Monday 22nd February 2021 | MIKE SMITH

As part of a research project on the immune response to coronavirus, the Microbiology Department of the Hospital General de València is carrying out a study among the professionals vaccinated at the hospital to verify the effectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

This initiative aims to obtain data that confirm that these vaccines meet the standards of the rate of antibodies and has had the collaboration of the hospital’s Occupational Medicine Service.

The study is being carried out randomly between the different services and categories of all the professionals who have already received the two doses of the vaccines.

Regarding the Pfizer vaccine, approximately 10% of the vaccinated personnel have been sampled, which has meant making about 200 serological tests between 15 and 20 days after they received the second dose of the vaccine. The results have shown that 100% of workers have developed antibodies, which confirms the production of defenses after vaccination.

With Moderna’s vaccine, the sampling will be done with 80 workers when 15 days have passed after receiving the second dose, since fewer professionals were administered this vaccine.

This second sampling will be done in order to verify that the antibody rate is as effective as that of the Pfizer vaccine and can produce the same levels of antibodies against COVID-19.

Information Source
Press Release – Generalitat Valenciana