Students in commercial training carry out their work experience in companies in Xàbia

The nine month course has been funded by the regional ministry of education and provides 960 hours of training.

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Monday 30th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia

Marta Bañuls, the councillor responsible for CREAMA and Economic Development in Xàbia, took some time to visit the students who have been gaining some work experience as part of the training programme for the Basic Qualification for Auxiliary Commercial Activities, a course offered entirely funded by the regional education ministry.

This course has focused on providing training to young people who have dropped out of school but want to improve their skills to enter the job market and includes work experience with a number of local companies which this year includes MP Irrigation, Jávea Garden Pool Service (JPGS), Arcum Gimnasio, Papelería Botella, Bricotop, Ferrobox and the trade association of Xàbia Històrica.

This work experience is the culmination of the course, providing an opportunity for the students to put into the practice all the professionals skills that they have learnt during the first phase of the training.

The course has consisted of 960 hours of training across almost nine months between September 2021 and June 2022 and has been funded by a grant of €39,854.40 from the regional Ministry of Education.

Councillor Bañuls explained that the training is very important for improving the professional qualifications of young people aged between 16 and 21 who have left school and improving their insertion into the job market, adding that almost half of those who completed last year’s training course already have permanent employment whilst others have returned to education to further improve their potential.

The councillor announced that CREAMA is already working on the next edition of this training course and called on young people who have abandoned their studies and are thinking of useful and practical training in order to more effectively enter the job market to contact the CREAMA offices for further information and to register.

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