Xàbia has received 8,000 surgical masks to support those families most in need as well as the most vulnerable residents.

In a bid to slow down the spread of the COVID-19 infection, the wearing of face masks became mandatory across Spain in July, even when a minimum interpersonal distance could be maintained. In a bid to ease the economic burden on those most vulnerable, the Spanish Government has been distributing masks across the country to support those families most in need.
Although the country emerged from a three-month lockdown with some optimism – PM Pedro Sánchez even went as far as to say “we flattened the curve and we did it together” – the number of positive cases rose throughout the summer to become the dreaded “second wave” of infections so feared by the health authorities.
The mandatory wearing of face masks at all times whilst in public spaces was imposed in a bid to slow the spread of COVID-19 infection. Many authorities, including the CDC, have recommended the use of face masks “as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from travelling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask coughs, sneezes, talks, or raises their voice“.
This week, Xàbia received a consignment of some 8,000 surgical masks from the State via officers from the Policía Local which will be distributed amongst essential services such as schools, residences, day centres and organisations that deal with vulnerable groups such as Cáritas, the Civic Punt and the Cruz Roja de Xàbia.