The meeting will take place on Monday 28th September at 7.30pm and will explain the current COVID-19 protocols in relation to the youth academy.

Councillor Alberto Tur (Sports) has offered to meet parents of the young players enrolled in the football academy at CD Jávea to explain the health and safety protocols put in place this season at junior level, answer any questions and listen to suggestions.
The meeting will take on Monday 28th September at 7.30pm in the Multipurpose Room of the town hall complex at Portal al Clot, an indoor space that will be prepared to guarantee hygiene protocols and social distancing. Attendees will be limited to a maximum of 40 and registration of those attending will be made for track and trace purposes.
In the event that the capacity is reached and parents are unable to enter, the Council will arrange face-to-face meetings or arrange a second meeting to provide the information.
A war of words has developed between the football club and the Council over the health and safety protocols being imposed on the club, especially those affecting the football academy where it seems that the majority of parents will be excluded for watching their children play football at the municipal football ground.
The councillor has insisted that all the decisions made by his department regarding the extraordinary measures put in place to minimise to risk of the spread of the COVID-19 infection have been motivated by the desire to offer young people the safest environment possible to play sports.
However, the Department is always willing to listen to any suggestions along the lines of health and safety which will be studied to assess their viablity. All parents will be provided with the current protocols so that they can read them and, if necessary, contribute their own proposals.
The councillor added that the meeting will aim to inform the parents directly and to understand their concerns and demands relating to development sport; it will be separate from other issues that the football club may have and does not involve the youth academy.