Spain ends requirement for the use of the mask indoors

There will be certain exceptions such as on public transport and in hospitals and health centres.

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Tuesday 19th April 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Xàbia AL DÍA

The Spanish Government has approved a Royal Decree modifying the mandatory use of masks during the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, removing the requirement for its use indoors which will no longer be mandatory, although with some exceptions. This modification will be published this Wednesday in the BOE and will come into force immediately.

The Government explained that vaccination coverage in Spain is now above 92% for the population over 12 years of age and that more than 92% of those over 60 years of age have received a booster dose that improves protection of this group against severe COVID-19 and death. It adds that “the very high effectiveness of the vaccines and the high coverage achieved have generated an important change in the epidemiology of COVID-19 in our country“.

According to the latest report published on April 8th 2022, according to the Surveillance and Control Strategy against COVID-19 after the acute phase of the pandemic, all the main indicators for monitoring the current epidemic are all in a low level of risk in most of the country, which places the alert at level 1 in 42 of the 52 provinces and at level 2 in 8 provinces. Two provinces no longer in an alert situation.

This royal decree establishes the areas where the mask will continue to be mandatory. However, it is recommended for all people with a greater vulnerability to COVID-19 infection to maintain the use of a mask in any situation in which there is prolonged contact with people at a distance of less than 1.5 meters.

For this reason, responsible use of the mask is recommended in closed spaces for public use in which people transit or spend a long time. Likewise, the responsible use of the mask in crowded events is still recommended. In the family environment and in private gatherings or celebrations, responsible use is recommended based on the vulnerability of the participants.

With regards to the work environment, the use of masks will not be mandatory in general. However, those responsible for occupational risk prevention, in accordance with the corresponding risk assessment of the job, may determine the appropriate preventive measures that must be implemented in the workplace or in certain areas of the work centres, including the possible use of masks, if this is determined from the aforementioned evaluation.

You must wear a mask if you are working in or visiting:

  • A hospital (see below).
  • A health centre.
  • A blood transfusion centre.
  • A chemist.
  • A home or residence for the elderly.

You must wear a mask on public transport:

  • A bus.
  • A train.
  • A plane.
  • A taxi.
  • A ship, such as a ferry, if a minimum distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained, except when in a cabin with fellow passengers who live in the same household.
  • A metro line.

You don’t have to wear a mask:

  • If you have been admitted to hospital as a patient and remain in your room.
  • If you are a resident in a home or residence for the elderly.
  • In a school environment.
  • In a work environment, although a company risk evaluation would allow the continued use of preventative measures such as the wearing of a mask if the results of that evaluation deem it necessary.
  • If you present some type of illness or breathing difficulty which could be aggravated by the wearing of a facemask or don’t have the dependency to be able to remove the mask yourself.

Reference Link:

BOE Núm 94 / 20-04-2022 / Sec. I. Pag. 53279-53732 / Real Decreto 286/2022
Real Decreto 286/2022, de 19 de abril, por el que se modifica la
obligatoriedad del uso de mascarillas durante la situación de crisis sanitaria
ocasionada por la COVID-19

Click on the logo above to read the original article on Xàbia AL DÍA.

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