Services contracts drafting of new Ramblars project, open for six months

The contract, worth around 16,000 euros, calls for the development of a project to officially create a new green waste collection plan in Catarroges.


The new green waste transfer plant in Catarroges.

Tuesday 20th September 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Carlos López (XAD)

A few days ago, the Department of Services in Xàbia published details for the contract being offered for the drafting of the new Ramblars project, an installation that has been underway since last February, when it was decided to use land in the Catarroges area to collect green waste while the old Ramblars burned.

To draw up the final project for this installation, the town hall has set aside a budget of just over 16,000 euros and those interested can submit their offers until September 26th.

The purpose of the specifications is the “establishment of the technical prescriptions that must govern the development of the service contract for the drafting of the execution project, drafting of the health and safety study, drafting of waste management, construction management , coordination in matters of health and safety during the execution of the work and the facilities management, as well as the legalization of the same”.

The contract specifications details that some work that will be carried out “in accordance with the instructions detailed below and under the direction, supervision and approval of the municipal Technical Services.”

Among the issues that the legalization project must include are the following obligations:

  • The construction of a 6,000 square metre concrete platform suitable for the heavy machinery and trucks.
  • Conditioning of accesses.
  • Perimeter fencing of the entire plot, with two gates for vehicle entry and exit.
  • Installations of the control booth located in the access area to Ramblars, with the necessary works for its correct location, including the installation of a water supply, a watertight pit for the toilet and the necessary connections, including calibration and commissioning.
  • Installation of streetlights with the installation of photovoltaic panels.
  • Expansion of the photovoltaic installation with two panels more similar to the existing one.
  • Water intake for emergencies from the installation of the hydrant located on the edge of the plot and for the control booth.
  • Collection of rainwater and its channeling towards the nearby Gorgos river.
  • Pre-installation of the connections to be enhanced at the time of urbanization.
  • Posters and signs.

It has been noted that there is no requirement for the installation of thermal cameras, as requested by both C’s and Podemos, and that it has not been specified what number is necessary for the “water intake for emergencies”.

XAD has also noted that the bidding process has been called when the waste collection plant has been in a precarious state for some six months.

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