A special weekend of events has been organised, including guided tours of the bell tower.

Church Bells 01

This weekend, the church of San Bartolomé will be celebrating the return of its four bells which were removed at the beginning of last summer for essential cleaning and restoration, with a special programme of events.

The four bells – Sebastiana, Bertomeua, Victoria and Mariana – were removed in late June 2023 in a complicated procedure that was watched by many residents who wanted to witness a important landmark in the history of the ancient church in the heart of the historic centre.

They were taken to the specialist restoration company Campanas y Relojes – Pararrayos – 2001 Técnica y Artesanía SL which was charged with restoring the beauty of these four treasures of Xàbia. In early February, the company published a video on their social media networks which showed the largest bell, Bertomeua (1,331kg), ringing again after 20 years.

Earlier this month, renovation work was carried out on the bell tower to prepare for the return of the bells and now everything is ready for their return.

Friday 1st March

11:00 · The expected time of arrival of the bells. They will be on display in the Plaça de l’Esglèsia for everyone to come and take a closer look.
17:30 · Lecture: ‘El campanar de Xàbia torna a ser un instrument musical’ which will be given by Francesc Llop i Bayo, anthropologist and President of the Bell-Ringers of Valencia Cathedral.
19:30 · Music with BATUCAM around the bells.

Saturday 2nd March

10:30-13:30 · Guided Tours of the Bell Tower (maximum group size: 15)
10:30-12:30 · A series of workshops on the bells aimed at everyone.
10:30-12:00 · Music with XIRIMITAB’S.
12:30 · Music with the band of CENTRO ARTÍSTICO MUSICAL DE XÀBIA.
16:00-18:00 · Guided Tours of the Bell Tower (maximum group size: 15)

Sunday 3rd March

11:30 · Mass presided over by the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Enrique Benavent Vidal, Archbishop of Valencia. This will be followed the blessing of the bells and that a concert entitled ‘Tocs Tradicionales de Xàbia’ given by the Association of Bell-Ringers of Valencia Cathedral.

Monday 4th March

11:30 · The process of returning the bells to the tower will begin.

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